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Project Coordinator

Alessandro Tognetti

He is associate professor of bioengineering with the Department of Information Engineering and Research Center ‘‘E. Piaggio’’ at University of Pisa. He is the vice-president of the degree course in Biomedical Engineering and Bionics Engineering at the University of Pisa, where he holds the courses of Biosensors, Bioelectric Phenomena, Bionics Senses and Modeling Of Multi-Physics Phenomena. Alessandro Tognetti is the coordinator of the "Augmented Reality" laboratory of the Department of Information Engineering. Most of the research was carried out in the context of national and international research projects.
Dissemination Manager

Isella Vicini

Wide experience in the EC Research and Innovation projects, like Horizon2020 and LIFE Programme: since the First Framework Program (1985), Isella works in the European Project Management field, leading the European Funding Development of Warrant Hub. CEO and the founder of beWarrant, a Belgian consultancy company that provides support on European Funding opportunities.
Project Manager

Michela Rial

Head of the Grant Office at the Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), research advisor and senior project manager. She has an extensive knowledge and expertise in the management coordination and controlling of EU-funded projects (FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Programmes).
Technical Manager

Marco Laurino

Marco Laurino is a biomedical engineering with a PhD in "Neurosciences and Endocrine-Metabolic Sciences". Currently, he is a researcher at the Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His research activities include: i) processing of biomedical signals, ii) artificial intelligence algorithms applied to medicine, iii) modelling of biomedical systems; iv) design and development of biomedical technologies for health monitoring; v) telemedicine and "Connected Health". He is/was principal investigator or partner in research projects funded by EU or National public institutions.

For Further Information

Project Management Office
[email protected]