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TOLIFE is a partnership between prestigious academic institutions, businesses from important industry sectors, and top research institutions. The consortium makes use of the knowledge of our project partners, which include significant businesses, industry, and research and development (R&D) organizations.

University of Pisa

University of Pisa is represented by the bio-engineering team (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione and Research Centre “E.Piaggio”) and the clinical team (Department of Surgical, Medical, Molecular and Critical Area). The bio-engineering team promotes interdisciplinary research in ICT, Bioengineering and Robotics and has longstanding experience in coordinating EU projects. The clinical team in different medical disciplines and is characterized by a multidisciplinary context. Key competences necessary for the project include wearable and smart sensors, biomedical signal processing, biomedical technologies, artificial intelligence, IoT, respiratory medicine, physiology and psychology.


UNIPI will coordinate the project, will lead the smart sensor development and will be one of the clinical sites. UNIPI will participate in the signal pre-processing, in the modelling and development of the AI tools, in development of the platform for data collection from smart sensors and in the evaluation, statistical analysis and assessment.

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Italian National Research Council

The Italian National Research Council (CNR), the main public research institution in Italy, participates in the project with the Institute of Clinical Physiology (CNRIFC). In 50 years of life IFC-CNR has consolidated its role as a center for basic, clinical, epidemiological and technological research, conducted with the contribution in full interaction of doctors, biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians: this multidisciplinary approach is the key element of a strategy that promotes collaborations in a flexible and problem-solving way.


CNR-IFC will lead statistical analysis and multidomain assessment activities. It will participate in the modelling, development and integration of AI tools and smart sensors. CNR-IFC will be responsible for the overall scientific and technical management of the project and for coordination between different WPs Leaders. CNR-IFC Grant Office, will support the coordinator with the daily project management activities.

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Timelex is a law firm specialized in IT and data protection issues with extensive experiences in supporting research and innovation projects, acting as legal counsel.


Timelex will act a legal counsel for the consortium in general, and oversee compliance with relevant legislations, as well as identify the relevant ethics and requirements applicable to AI.

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Istituto Superiore di Sanità

ISS is a public institution representing the main center for research, control and technical-scientific advice on public health in Italy. ISS aims to the protection and promotion of citizens’ health. ISS has a Notified Body (NB 0373) for medical devices certification according to EU Regulations. Alongside the Ministry of Health, the Regions and the National Health Service, ISS guides health policies on the basis of scientific evidence. Besides laboratory activities relevant activities also deal with the quality and safety of care and the assessment of health technologies.


ISS will make available to the project: specific technical-scientific skills in the field of the technological solutions of the TOLIFE project; skills and expertise in the legislative and regulatory field, with specific reference to the healthcare context; skills and expertise in the field of HTA of clinical rehabilitation and telerehabilitation technology and services. ISS will contribute to address the “compliance by design” of each item of the TOLIFE project to user needs, GDPR, medical devices regulations.

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Extensive experience in project management, communication, dissemination and exploitation of project results, both at national and European level, especially in H2020 projects.


BEWH will lead exploitation, dissemination and communication activities and support training tasks. BEWH will contribute to strengthening the consortium with its extended network and existing links with relevant industrial stakeholders, clusters, and business partners.

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Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Design, development, and assessment of digital health technologies for patients and health professionals. Experience in User Centred Design and co-design processes. Support to design trustworthy AI-based clinical decision support systems.


UPM will design and develop the PMT and the DIT. It will contribute to define a usable and acceptable decision support system for the health professionals and a specific digital intervention for COPD patients. Infrastructures: Smart House Living Lab.

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Avvale has long expertise in the development and integration of ML and AI solutions in both industrial and research sectors. Key-expertise: architectural design, data acquisition pipeline, data pre-processing, data analysis, ML/AI design, test and deploy, system integrator task, cloud applications and mobile solutions. Thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, Avvale is able to act in several different industrial and research topics.


Avvale role will be the design, test and develop and deploy of the analytics tools. This role includes the data characterization and exploration tasks. In conjunction with these tasks, Avvale will develop AI bias analysis and explainability methods. Avvale will be also involved in the development of the platform for collecting the patients’ signals in compliance with GDPR.

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Fundacion Privada Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona

ISG is a cutting-edge institution with capacity to address global public health challenges through research, translation and education, with >400 members and 42 research groups. During 2018, ISG researchers have participated in 79 international projects, coordinating 35 of them. Health policy activities place ISG in the Top-10 Global Health Policy Think-Tanks and the second most important in Europe.


ISG is involved in the work packages related to:

  • implementation, monitoring and management of the clinical study
  • analyses of the clinical outcomes
  • data processing supporting the development of the AI solution
  • development and test of early warning systems to predict exacerbations
  • development of explainable and trustworthiness AI assessment for clinicians
  • dissemination of the results outside academic channels

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Pneumologische Forschungsinstitut an der LungenClinic Grosshansdorf

Internationally well-known clinical research organisation funded in 1998 as a spin-off of the LungenClinic Grosshansdorf with a strong respiratory focus and more than 20 years of expertise in clinical studies and observational cohorts including EU-funded projects (e.g. MOBILISE-D).


PRI will have key role as a recruiting site for the clinical study. Related to that PRI will contribute and provide expertise for the study manuals with SOPs, study protocol and clinical database. PRI will provide clinical expertise for the AI-based tools and platforms to be developed by TOLILFE. PRI will provide the physical-activity and comorbidity dataset collected in COSYCONET that will help to develop the AIbased tools.

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European Federation of Asthma & Allegry Associations Ideell Forening

EFA is a federation of Allergy and airways diseases patients’ associations. Representing 42 members in 26 EU countries, EFA is the voice of 200,000 patients with allergy, asthma and COPD. EFA brings patient needs and views to the EU policy decision-making, research priorities and developments, and advocate for patient rights. EFA has partnered in several EU projects related to its disease with leadership in dissemination and communication, and patient involvement.


EFA’s role will be to provide feedback and input from the patient perspective. EFA’s experiences in coordinating Patients Advisory Groups is vital in understanding and assuring the best way for meaningful patient involvement in TOLIFE. Moreover, thanks its network, EFA will ensure the dissemination of TOLIFE results to patients and policy makers.

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Adatec Sensing & Automation srl

ADATEC is a technological company founded 2009 for developing and realizing electronic devices and software tools. Competences in software and firmware development, hardware design and prototyping of embedded system and conventional and unconventional sensors.


The main role of ADA is the development and integration of smart sensors of TOLIFE platform. Infrastructures: electronic laboratory for design printed circuit boards, state of the art electronic instrumentation, advanced data acquisition, integrated circuits, evaluation and rapid prototyping boards.

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Consorcio Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona

IMIM is a public body dedicated to scientific research in the field of Biomedicine and Health Sciences.
FIMIM (Fundació Institut Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques) is a foundation created in order to manage the research of Consorci Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona that will be in charge of employing new personnel, purchasing goods, works and services and put them at the disposal of beneficiary IMIM to carry out the work of the project.


The role of IMIM will be patients recruitment, signal recording and use of the platform in the field. Added values: translational experience between technology and clinics, as well as a multidisciplinary team, including clinicians and expert physiologists.

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