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Gabriele Ferraro

New publication is out!

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01 June 2023

We are pleased to inform you that a Special Issue “Wearable Sensors and IoT Devices Applied in Daily Life” in available online now on MDPI journals! In this Special Issue, we invite original research papers aiming to promote novel and innovative applications and services that take advantage of IoT technologies to solve or improve activities of daily living in any domain. We are also interested in investigations of the impact of these IoT based services in different aspects of our daily life, such as wellbeing, social relationships, workability, leisure and sustainability.

More information available here >>

TOLIFE Patients advisory group meeting

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26 January 2023

On January 19th, 2023, the first TOLIFE Patients advisory group meeting was held online. The event was organized by the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’​ Associations (EFA) that put together 11 patients from 8 different countries with the aim of receiving important inputs for the development of the TOLIFE technology.

The Patients Advisory Group and their feedbacks are very important because they will help to ensure that TOLIFE operates with a patient-centred approach.

Have a look at some pictures of the event below!

TOLIFE Project Video is online now!

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16 December 2022

What this project does?

TOLIFE is a European project involving 12 partners from four different countries that aims to help patients through an AI-Based solution. Technology will be used to collect Daily life patient data for a better management of COPD.

For further information watch the video!

TOLIFE Kick-off Meeting

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05 October 2022

On September 27th and 28th, the TOLIFE kick-off meeting was held in Pisa (Italy). The event was organized by the Project Coordinator, Alessandro Tognetti by Università di Pisa, and the partner CNR-IFC, Project Manager of TOLIFE. The meeting started with a general presentation of the project done by the Project Coordinator, then a round table presentation of all partners took place. The consortium is composed by 12 partners from 4 different EU countries: the meeting was very useful to meet each other and discuss about the first steps and activities of the project.

Have a look at the pictures of the event!